The much anticipated rematch of Anthony Joshua and Andy Ruiz Jr in Saudi Arabia could produce an unexpected result hitherto not known to the public. Both...
Former undisputed world heavyweight champion who holds the record as the youngest boxer to win a heavyweight title, Mike Tyson has thrown a jab at Andy Ruiz ahead...
Following the recent tragedies on boxing rings which is highlighted by four deaths, a professor of medicine, Mike Loosemore is spearheading development of the technology that...
In the quest to regain his lost titles in the rematch with Andy Luiz Jr in Saudi Arabia on December 7, Anthony Joshua has recruited German...
An American boxer, Patrick Day has died four days after he was knocked out during his bout with Charles Conwell on Saturday night in Chicago. According...
Construction has begun on the 15,000-seater stadium which will host Anthony Joshua’s blockbuster rematch against Andy Ruiz Jnr in Saudi Arabia in just less than eight...
Anthony Joshua could be facing a different Andy Ruiz Jr when the two meet again in Saudi rematch. In their first fight in June, Ruiz was...
Anthony Joshua has finally admitted he had to ‘grieve’ after losing his heavyweight titles to Andy Ruiz in a shock loss in June. He handed over...
Andy Ruiz Jr is on his way to Saudi Arabia as he has set off to meet Anthony Joshua face-to-face for the first time since becoming...
The proposed rematch of Andy Ruiz Jr with Anthony Joshua has taken a new turn. According to Daily Mail of UK, the Mexican American has insisted...