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Last month, FIFA banned Confederation of African Football (CAF) president Ahmad for five years after ruling that he had breached various codes of ethics. BBC Sport Africa – which broke the news of Ahmad’s impending ban in October – details the reasons for the FIFA vice-president’s sanction and why a second FIFA investigation is already under way:

Just minutes after being re-elected FIFA president for a second term in Paris in June 2019, Gianni Infantino made a triumphant declaration before the world’s assembled football leaders.

“Nobody talks about crisis at FIFA anymore,” he said, referring to how FIFA’s corruption scandal had dominated when he took charge in 2016.

“Nobody talks about scandals or corruption. We talk about football… [FIFA] is now synonymous with transparency and integrity.”

But even as he spoke, serious accusations had already surfaced against one of FIFA’s vice-presidents, albeit not in relation to his role with world football’s governing body.

That vice-president was Ahmad, the head of African football’s ruling body CAF.


Only a day was needed for the comments to come back to haunt Infantino.

Twenty-four hours later, Ahmad was being questioned by anti-corruption authorities in the French capital “as part of a probe into corruption, breach of trust and forgery.”

The 60-year-old from Madagascar has always denied any wrongdoing.

But on 23 November, 20 months on from a complaint being raised by former CAF secretary general Amr Fahmy, the CAF president was banned and fined $220,000 by FIFA.

FIFA – which had worked alongside CAF in its Egyptian headquarters between August 2019 and February 2020 in a bid to improve governance – had adjudged Ahmad to have broken various codes of its ethics. These included abuse of position; misappropriation of funds; and offering gifts.


Ahmad has since said he will appeal to sport’s highest legal body, the Court of Arbitration for Sport, labelling FIFA’s decision “incomprehensible and shocking” and saying it had been made with “haste” – in order, he contended – to prevent him from being “re-elected to the presidency of CAF.”

Nonetheless, Ahmad had asked FIFA if it could wrap up his ethics case by 12 November – the deadline for presidential candidates to formally declare ahead of March’s elections, which the Malagasy had been hoping to contest.

Indeed, only six weeks ago, he had received the public backing of 46 of Africa’s 54 football associations.

As a result, this first investigation was narrowed down in a bid to meet the deadline – even if it fell short by nearly two weeks, after Ahmad’s bout of coronavirus delayed matters.

For FIFA’s ethics chamber has made the rare step of splitting its investigation into Ahmad into two parts.


The second of these probes – focusing on an amendment made last year to the billion-dollar media and marketing TV deal CAF made with French company Lagardere in 2015 – is already under way.

Explaining last month’s sanctionsFIFA said its investigation into Ahmad “concerned various CAF-related governance issues, including the organisation and financing of an Umrah pilgrimage to Mecca, his involvement in CAF’s dealings with Tactical Steel, and other activities.”

Few further details were given. But following its own investigation, BBC Sport Africa can explain some of the reasons – and circumstances – that brought down a sitting CAF president for the first time.

These include unexplained payments, questions surrounding potential kick-back arrangements and possible tax evasion – as well as a religious trip that resulted in an unholy mess.

Unexplained payments


Between 2017 and 2019, FIFA ruled that there were unaccounted payments from CAF to Ahmad’s private bank account. These came to a total of around $230,000.

Ahmad’s campaign manifesto for the CAF presidency made various claims that have not always been followed through

During the course of two audits conducted by PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC) in late 2019 and early 2020 on behalf of FIFA, neither Ahmad, nor CAF itself, could account for the nature of the payments, a source who has seen the FIFA ethics report explained.

Neither Ahmad nor CAF made any comment when contacted by the BBC.

The payments are not believed to be related to his salary of $40,000 per month, nor the $80,000 he received in bonuses every year.

A key tenet of Ahmad’s presidential campaign in 2017 was his stated desire for financial transparency, with his manifesto claiming that all contracts signed by CAF would be officially published.

“Nothing will be hidden or covered during my mandate,” Ahmad’s manifesto had proclaimed.


But this did not materialise – to the point where annual financial reports, which could be found on CAF’s website in the final years of the three-decade reign of Ahmad’s predecessor Issa Hayatou, have not been published online.

A further lack of financial transparency came during CAF’s dealings with a French company, called Tactical Steel, that specialises in manufacturing gym equipment but which became a key supplier to FIFA’s second largest confederation in late 2017.

Tactical Steel

In October 2018, a company called ES Pro Consulting Limited sent a bill to CAF for $738,670.

This was in relation to shipping costs involved in the distribution of 60,000 footballs to Africa.


A month later, in November 2018, CAF transferred its payment to a bank account nominated by ES Pro Consulting Limited.

There was, though, one fundamental issue. ES Pro Consulting Limited did not exist in 2018.

ES Pro Consulting Limited sent CAF an invoice in 2018 – nine months before the company was incorporated

Records show that the company, based in the United Arab Emirates, was only incorporated nine months later, in July 2019. So how could a company that did not exist be sending invoices?

What was also of note was that a Dubai-based company was invoicing for a business deal agreed between CAF and Tactical Steel, a once-obscure gym manufacturer located in Toulon in southern France.

The deal related to an order made by Ahmad for the delivery of 60,000 footballs, with one thousand going to every one of Africa’s 54 member associations.

This order was never discussed by CAF’s decision-making Executive Committee (ExCo), BBC Sport Africa understands, nor was it cheap – amounting to $2.5m in total, of which $1.77m was for the footballs with the rest for shipping.


This deal was mentioned as early as 9 February 2018 in an email from CAF’s then deputy general secretary, who said the order was ‘on the instruction of the president’, to Tactical Steel owner Romuald Seillier.

Seillier is an old friend of Ahmad’s former attaché Loic Gerand, who has twice been declared bankrupt in France where he is currently serving a 15-year ban from running a company.

The pair – both of whom have had offices on the same road in Toulon – served for five years together in the French army, BBC Sport Africa understands.

In March 2018, a month after CAF’s email discussing the balls deal, Seillier set up ES Pro Consulting in his home town of Toulon, along with a former rugby player called Laurent Emmanuelli.

Over a year later, the pair also established ES Pro Consulting Limited (emphasis added) in a free zone, which offers tax concessions and customs duty benefits to expatriate investors, in Dubai.


When it came to making payment for the footballs, both ES Pro Consulting companies and Tactical Steel all received money – a significant chunk of which was sent back to CAF with different instructions.

Even though Tactical Steel had been paid half the costs for the balls ($885,060) and shipping ($369,335) in May 2018, invoices for the full order ($2.5m) came – on the same day in October 2018 – from ES Pro Consulting (France) for the balls and ES Pro Consulting Limited (Dubai) for the shipping.

“Why issue the balls invoice and the shipping invoice from different entities?” CAF’s then finance director Mohamed El Sherei asked FIFA as he also sent them a dossier of evidence prior to Infantino’s speech. “Why transfer the money to two different bank accounts for one same operation?”

Days after receiving the invoices, CAF transferred its outstanding dues – totalling $1.25m – to Tactical Steel themselves but this money was returned in November, stating “this account is not the destined account” and asking for the funds to be sent to banks nominated by both ES Pro Consulting’s instead.

In early November, $1.25m was paid to ES Pro Consulting Limited in Dubai who then returned the funds relating to the footballs ($885,060) a month later. In late December, CAF then transferred $889,412 to ES Pro Consulting in France, so ending a confusing merry-go-round of transactions.

CAF made two payments to Tactical Steel and ES Pro Consulting Ltd which were later returned

By the time it had all shaken out, both ES Pro Consulting companies and Tactical Steel had received in excess of $4.6m for the balls deal – $2.1m of which had been sent back to CAF with different instructions as to where the money should be sent.

“The refunds from Tactical Steel and ES Pro Consulting … are highly suspicious which could potentially indicate a kick-back arrangement between parties involved or a case of tax evasion through off-shore payments,” PwC said in their audit dated November 2019.

Neither Seillier nor Emmanuelli responded when contacted by the BBC.

As reported by BBC Sport Africa in a joint investigation with Norway’s Josimar magazine last year, CAF’s dealings with Tactical Steel raised other questions.

These originated after Fahmy informed FIFA of CAF’s decision, taken in December 2017, to cancel an order with sportswear company Puma worth just under $250,000 – which came with a 60% discount – to take up a slightly larger one with Tactical Steel.

The order may have increased from 22,000 items to 35,000, with a demand for CAF branding also added, but the bill of $1,015,313 was disproportionately higher – over four times as big – and excluded shipping (unlike Puma’s).

Tactical Steel’s website highlights its role in both making and supplying gym – and not football – equipment

The costs related to shipping and packaging added at least $225,000 to the Tactical Steel deal, on top of the original equipment quote of just over $1m.

To put this into context, CAF’s previous sportswear equipment deal – which had expired a few months before Ahmad was elected president in March 2017 – had seen the African body receive, rather than spend, money, with Adidas agreeing a deal from 2008-2016 that paid CAF at least $13m.

In December 2017, a series of CAF emails indicated that Ahmad was across both the Puma cancellation and the Tactical Steel order as CAF tried to secure kit for the next month’s African Nations Championship (Chan) in Morocco.

18 December: CAF’s then deputy general secretary notifies secretary general Fahmy of the Puma order’s cancellation – upon ‘the president’s request’.

19 December: CAF’s then financial director thanks Seillier, copying in Ahmad’s private email, for Tactical Steel’s quote – “which has been approved by the President of CAF.”

Nonetheless, Ahmad told the BBC last year that any accusations of his involvement in cancelling the Puma deal and approving the Tactical Steel one were ‘totally false, malicious and defamatory‘ – blaming the allegations on a vendetta on the part of Fahmy, who died of cancer earlier this year.


Between December 2017 and January 2019, CAF made net payments totalling some $4.4m to Tactical Steel, with deals having also been arranged for the 2018 Beach Soccer tournament and the 2018 Women’s Africa Cup of Nations.

The investigation by French anti-corruption authorities, whose assistance FIFA has sought in the past, into the matter is ongoing.

Umrah trip

In February 2018, the Union of Arab Football Associations (UAFA) invited Ahmad and Africa’s FA presidents to undertake a pilgrimage to Mecca called the Umrah – which can take place at any time of the year (unlike the Hajj).

Despite the invitation by the UAFA, internal CAF emails state that the trip to Saudi Arabia was a “personalised invitation” by Ahmad himself to the Muslim presidents of Africa’s football associations.

CAF’s delegation travelled to the holy cities of Mecca (above) and Medina during their Umrah pilgrimage of 2018

After 15 such presidents joined Ahmad, his attaché Gerand and another presidential advisor on the May 2018 trip, the question remained at CAF as to who was to settle the bill of just over $100,000.

When then finance director El Sherei asked CAF’s compliance director in July, in an email entitled “Omra Trip expenses”, who would pay for accommodation and travel relating to the trip, the response was not what he expected.

In his own reply, the compliance director – Abdoulah Moustapha – retitled the email, crossing out Omra Trip expenses and replacing it with “Mission: Meeting request at CAF HQ in Cairo”.

He then wrote that CAF would “take charge of accommodations and travel” to and from Cairo from the presidents’ respective home nations while the person who gave the order – i.e. Ahmad – would cover the Egypt-Saudi Arabia return legs owing to the “private” nature of the trip.

“This is not a matter of compliance but purely of payment,” Mustapha added.

“What is the role of compliance?” El Sherei told BBC Sport Africa. “It’s to make regulation and supervise working and implementing regulations – not giving approval of payment to a finance director or general secretary or similar.

CAF’s Compliance Officer replied to questions about the Umrah trip by saying the officials were invited for a meeting

“On the next visit of the CAF President, he was furious with me. How could I ask this question (regarding payment for the trip)?”

Mustapha said he was unable to give any comment to the BBC at this time given Ahmad’s appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

In the end, CAF paid just over $90,000 for a trip that cost $101,314 – with Ahmad himself contributing the remaining $10,000, but no more.

As the trip was religious in nature and not football-related, FIFA deemed it a misuse of funds as well as an offering of gifts.

Former CAF employees Amr Fahmy and Mohamed El Sherei both made claims of corruption within CAF to FIFA

In July 2019, a few weeks after joining Fahmy in making allegations of corruption within CAF to FIFA, El Sherei, who had worked for CAF since 1999, was dismissed by the organisation – just as Fahmy himself had been, less than a fortnight after his email to FIFA’s ethics chamber.

What’s next?

As stated, Ahmad is appealing his ban.


He faces a race against time and several legal hurdles if he is to stand for re-election next March, but the possibility remains that he could face another sanction if FIFA’s second investigation finds against him.

It is unclear whether the fact that Ahmad received two sets of expenses, as he claimed to be in two different countries (Russia and Egypt) for the same nine-day period during the 2018 World Cup, forms part of this second investigation.

What is known is that the former Madagascar FA president is also being investigated about his role in a decision by CAF to amend a billion-dollar TV contract, signed in 2015, early last year.

FIFA is keen to understand why CAF apparently agreed to buy around $20m of debt owed by a Beninois sports agency called LC2 GROUP to Lagardere Sports, the French company that had been handling CAF’s marketing and media sales until the contract was abruptly cancelled last year.

CAF’s stand-in president Constant Omari is also currently under investigation by FIFA, where he serves as a Council member

Under an amendment, signed in early 2019, to the original 2015 deal between Lagardere and CAF, the latter agreed to pay Lagardere $6.7m for the debt, all of which relates to outstanding TV rights payments, owed by LC2 GROUP.

This latest FIFA investigation is not only probing Ahmad’s part in the LC2 GROUP decision but also that of the Malagasy’s stand-in as president, DR Congo’s Constant Omari, CAF’s first vice-president who headed up the delegation dealing with Lagardere.


Neither Ahmad, Omari, CAF nor Lagardere responded to questions when contacted by the BBC.

Given FIFA’s second investigation, the turmoil shows no signs of abating for CAF whose winner of March’s presidential elections will face a mountainous task in terms of restoring both trust and credibility in the organisation.

Kunle Solaja is the author of landmark books on sports and journalism as well as being a multiple award-winning journalist and editor of long standing. He is easily Nigeria’s foremost soccer diarist and Africa's most capped FIFA World Cup journalist, having attended all FIFA World Cup finals from Italia ’90 to Qatar 2022. He was honoured at the Qatar 2022 World Cup by FIFA and AIPS.

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Governing Bodies

Zimbabwe sports minister among candidates for International Olympic Committee presidency



A total of seven candidates are running for the presidency of the International Olympic Committee with the winner replacing outgoing president Thomas Bach at elections in March 2025 in ancient Olympia, Greece.

Kirsty Coventry:

Age: 41

Country: Zimbabwe

Entry into the IOC: 2013


An Olympic swimming champion and Zimbabwe’s most successful Olympian, Coventry is Zimbabwe’s Sports Minister. She is the only woman among the candidates and the only one from Africa.

Prince Feisal Al Hussein:

Age: 60

Country: Jordan

Entry into the IOC: 2010


Prince Feisal heads the Jordan Olympic Committee and has been an IOC executive board member since 2019. An Executive Board member of the Olympic Council of Asia, Prince Feisal has also held several posts at the Royal Jordanian Air Force.

Sebastian Coe:

Age: 67

Country: Britain

Entry into the IOC: 2020


An Olympic track and field champion and head of World Athletics, Coe also led the organisation for the 2012 London Olympics. A former Conservative Member of Parliament, Coe is also involved in sports consultancy and is a former head of the British Olympic Association.

Johan Eliasch:

Age: 62

Country: Britain

Entry into the IOC: 2024


The wealthy Swedish-born entrepreneur with a variety of business interests has headed the international skiing federation since 2021. He only joined the IOC in July at its session in the Paris Olympics.

David Lappartient:

Age: 51

Country: France

Entry into the IOC: 2022


A rising figure in world sports administration. He heads the international cycling body, UCI, and is in charge of esports within the IOC, having helped seal a 12-year deal with Saudi Arabia earlier this year for the Olympic esports Games.

Juan Antonio Samaranch:

Age: 64

Country: Spain

Entry into the IOC: 2001


The son of the late former IOC president, Samaranch has considerable IOC experience and influence in his six years as vice president and 23 as a member. He headed the coordination commission for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

Morinari Watanabe:

Age: 65

Country: Japan

Entry into the IOC: 2018


Watanabe has headed the gymnastics federation (FIG) since 2016, having been re-elected twice since. He is the first Japanese candidate to run for the IOC presidency.

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Governing Bodies

World Athletics boss, Coe and multi-millionaire Eliasch among seven candidates for IOC presidency



Paris 2024 Olympics - Athletics - Women's Marathon Victory Ceremony - Stade de France, Saint-Denis, France - August 11, 2024. World Athletics President Sebastian Coe and International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach during the medal ceremony REUTERS/Phil Noble/File Photo 

World athletics chief Sebastian Coe, multi-millionaire and Olympic newcomer Johan Eliasch and Zimbabwe’s Sports Minister Kirsty Coventry are among seven candidates for next year’s International Olympic Committee presidency election, the IOC said on Monday.

IOC Vice President Juan Antonio Samaranch, son of the late former IOC president, international cycling chief David Lappartient, Prince Feisal Al Hussein of Jordan and international gymnastics federation head Morinari Watanabe are also in the running to succeed current president Thomas Bach.

The 70-year-old German is stepping down next year after 12 years at the helm. The election will be held at the IOC session in ancient Olympia, Greece in March 2025.

The candidates will all present their programmes, behind closed doors, to the full IOC membership in January 2025.

The IOC, with 111 members currently, is in charge of the Olympic Games and the multi-billion dollar industry linked to the world’s biggest multi-sports event.


Bach’s departure comes with the organisation in a financially robust position, having secured $7.3 billion for the years 2025-28 and $6.2 billion already in deals for 2029-2032.

The president is elected to an eight-year first term with the possibility of a second term of four years, if re-elected.

Coe, 67, only joined the IOC in 2020 after a rocky relationship between World Athletics and the IOC over Coe’s ban of Russian track and field athletes almost a decade ago following the country’s doping scandal.

A former Olympic champion with a wealth of experience in the sports world, Coe was previously head of the London 2012 Games and the British Olympic Association. He is also a former Conservative Member of Parliament.

Coventry, 41, is the only woman running for president and the former Olympic swimming champion, who is Zimbabwe’s most decorated Olympian, could become not only the first female president but also the first from Africa.



All IOC presidents have been men, with eight of the nine from Europe and one from the United States.

The 62-year-old Eliasch, head of the International Ski and Snowboard Federation (FIS), only joined the IOC in July, with the Swedish-born British businessman’s candidacy a surprise for some.

Prince Feisal, 60, is a member of the IOC executive board, having joined the organisation in 2010, while Spaniard Samaranch, with considerable IOC experience in his six years as vice president, headed the coordination commission for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

“The IOC and Olympic movement have made enormous strides over the past decade under the leadership of Mr Bach,” said Samaranch in a statement.

“The IOC now needs a new leader with deep experience of the Olympic movement who can help steer it through this period of upheaval.”


UCI chief Lappartient has been a rapidly rising figure within the sports world after joining the IOC in 2022.

The Frenchman also is in charge of esports within the IOC, having helped seal a 12-year deal with Saudi Arabia earlier this year for the Olympic esports Games.

Japan’s Watanabe, 65, has headed the gymnastics federation (FIG) since 2016, having been re-elected twice since, and is his country’s first ever candidate for the IOC presidency.

Under current rules members have to step down when they reach 70, the IOC’s age limit, unless they are given a four-year extension.



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Governing Bodies

Storm in CAF over proposed statutes amendments



There is currently insinuations that  proposed certain elements may have smuggled modifications to amend the Statutes of the Confederation of African Football (CAF) when the body holds its General Assembly next month in Kinshasa, Congo next month.

 The confederation will be having its 46th General Assembly on 10th October. It is at such gatherings that amendments are made to existing rules.

According to an article authored by Mansour Loum, the editor of Sports News Africa, some national football federations have denied being party to proposed amendments which were linked to them.

One of such is coming from the Equatorial Guinea Football Federation  which has denied signing proposals being circulated relating to amendments to CAF Statutes.

It is claimed that a circular dated 8 September has been sent to CAF member associations. Signed by CAF General Secretary, Véron Mosengo-Omba,  it is titled: “Proposals for amendments to the CAF statutes and regulations for the application of the statutes, as well as the rules of procedure of the CAF General Assembly, presented by the national associations.”


 Seven member associations were quoted as sponsoring the amendments. They are: Botswana, Comoros, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Mauritania and Niger. 

 But Equatorial Guinea has denied being party to the proposed amendment which seek to remove age barrier for candidates seeking to be CAF Presidents and also removing zonal considerations in election into FIFA Council.

 The current Statute stipulates that a presidential candidate must not be older than 70 as at the date of election.

Most of the national federation members are already approaching that age. In the estimation of the author of the article, Mansour Loum, the current CAF president, Patrice Motsepe, is 62 years old. With the age limit, he could, for example, only run for two more terms.

Continuing, Loum wrote that regarding the elections to the FIFA Council, each zone has a representative on the FIFA Council and candidates for these positions can only be elected by the presidents of the member associations of their group zone.


Thus, the presidents of French-speaking federations can only vote for a French-speaking representative, the English-speakers for the English-speaking group, and so on.

The distribution of seats on the FIFA Council is currently as follows:

Francophone Group – Two members

Anglophone Group – Two members

Arabophone/Lusophone/Hispanophone Group – Two members


One female member elected from among the female candidates, regardless of language groups

The modification of the grouping by zonal unions would mean that all presidents could vote for candidates outside their group, or that the candidates would also no longer be limited to a group.

Several candidates from the same group could be elected to the FIFA Council, while at the same time some groups could no longer be represented.

Equatorial Guinea disputes any request for modification. The football federation president, Venancio Tomas Ndong Micha has reportedly denied being party to the proposed amendments.

“I am writing to you to present the disagreement of the Equatorial Guinean Football Federation with part of the content of the document sent to the CAF Executive Council on September 8, 2024 signed by you (…)


“In this document, there are amendments presented by the Equatorial Guinean Football Federation (…) By this letter, we confirm that the Equatorial Guinean Football Federation has not submitted any amendments to the CAF administration for the 46th CAF Ordinary General Assembly to be held on Thursday, October 10, 2024 in Kinshasa,” he denounces.

Enough to cast doubt on this document sent by the CAF secretary general and the objective targeted. Contacted, a federation president, whose body is not mentioned in the letter, is surprised by these two requests for amendments and wonders about their intentions.

The press release from the Equatorial Guinean Football Federation has sown doubt and now he is questioning the originality of the attachments included in this document which is likely to be talked about between now and the CAF General Assembly.

– Mansour Loum

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